The Law Of Attraction In Your Life

What is The Law Of Attraction? What are people’s reactions to it? When we talk about the law of attraction, four reactions are possible:

1 – Some strongly believe
2 – Some say that it’s nonsense
3 – Some say that it is dreams served on a silver platter to hold those who have nothing else to do
4 – Some say “What If?”

And you, what do you think? You already have tried? What was the outcome? If it worked, great, you are good. Otherwise, have you asked the question of why it did not work? Is it because this is nonsense?

Maybe! Or maybe not!

Have you ever tried to build the famous furniture kit, without looking at the plan?

Not easy huh? Some, however, succeed because they will do it following their instinct and find out how to proceed without further explanations. By cons, most will try, try and try again without achieving the final result.

It is exactly the same with the law of attraction. For some, it is self-evident, they know exactly what to do to achieve their goals or else simply they have been trained. For others (the majority) it will not be so simple, they will have to follow the instructions in order to achieve their goals and realize their dreams.

Learning is not particularly complicated. It is only to simplify your life. In our world advanced technology, we tend to believe that if there was a manual we’ll have to deal with a headache!

The law of attraction does not go into the most difficult things to do, far from there. All, as far as we are, we are able to use the law effectively. And you will see that over time you won’t even need to think about it; use the law of attraction will become for you just as natural as eating, drinking, and sleeping or simply breathe.

Your life will become a real puzzle; you’ll only need to choose the pieces, see how you will insert them and leave less to chance (even if it is known there is no chance) or to fate.

Gradually, you learn to “furnish” every moment of your day, your week, every week of your month …

It is you who henceforth will hold the reins of your life and who will do exactly what you want without leaving room for the unexpected, but especially with no room for undesirable things that is happening to you right now and which you didn’t really want to happen.

But as you may know, nature does not like empty space and the universe either; so if you leave “empty”, the universe fills them with what she has on hand and it may not always correspond to your expectations

One response to “The Law Of Attraction In Your Life”

  1. The Law Of Attraction | Shift Frequency

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